What is a Clot?

A blood clot is a mass formed by platelets held together by fibrin, a protein that acts like glue. 


Varicose veins mean the superficial venous system is not functioning as it should, blood starts to pool and can flow the wrong way. Severe varicose veins can affect flow in the deep system.  If leg muscles squeeze a clot out of the vein, there’s a chance it can travel elsewhere within the body and can lead to serious complications such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), heart attacks, stroke or a potential fatal Pulmonary Embolism (PE).


study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that people with varicose veins are five times more likely to develop a DVT. 


How to reduce your risk:

·         Move: Avoid sitting/laying for long periods without walking periodically.

·         Research: Know your family history and talk to your GP if you are at risk. 

·         Lifestyle: Stop smoking, lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy weight. 

·         Treatment: Look at getting your varicose veins treated before they become severe. 

Nicholas Kemp
Dr Nicholas Kemp; The Leg Vein Doctor is a unique private clinic offering phlebology treatments to patients with varicose veins and spider veins in Brisbane.

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